
What’s the Difference between Backlit and Lighted Mirrors - The Fordham Ram

Backlit mirrors and lighted mirrors are both types of mirrors that provide illumination, but they differ in how they achieve this lighting effect.

Backlit Mirrors: Bathroom backlit mirror has lighting elements positioned behind the mirror surface. These lights are usually mounted on the perimeter of the mirror or embedded into the frame. When the lights are turned on, they create a soft, diffused glow that radiates from the back of the mirror. The light is reflected off the wall or surrounding surfaces, which helps to evenly distribute the illumination and reduce shadows. Backlit mirrors often use LED lights due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. Wall Cabinet

What’s the Difference between Backlit and Lighted Mirrors - The Fordham Ram

Lighted Mirrors: Lighted mirrors, on the other hand, feature built-in lights on the front surface of the mirror itself. These lights are integrated into the mirror, typically in the form of LED strips or bulbs. When the lights are switched on, they directly illuminate the mirror’s surface, providing more direct lighting compared to backlit mirrors. Lighted mirrors can have various configurations, such as lights placed along the sides, top, or all around the mirror. Some lighted mirrors also offer adjustable brightness and color temperature settings for customization.

The main distinction between backlit and lighted mirrors lies in the positioning of the lighting elements. Backlit mirrors have lights behind the mirror, while lighted mirrors have lights on the front surface of the mirror itself. Both types offer different lighting effects and can create distinct atmospheres in a space. The choice between them depends on personal preference and the desired lighting aesthetics for a particular setting.

Using a backlit mirror in the bathroom offers several advantages:

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What’s the Difference between Backlit and Lighted Mirrors - The Fordham Ram

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