
Best lunch bags and bento boxes for kids 2023 - Today's Parent

Looking for a new lunch bag for your little? Look no further. We've rounded up the cutest lunch bags for kids and all the accoutrements (Bento boxes, reusable snack bags, cutlery and more!) so you can pack the perfect midday meal. (Whether your kid eats it or not is another story.)

When looking for a lunch bag, you'll want to find something that's easy to clean and durable. Remember that kids should be able to open lunch bags and containers on their own. It's a good idea to do a couple of trial runs to practise at home before the school year begins. Shoulder Bag

Best lunch bags and bento boxes for kids 2023 - Today's Parent

You'll also want to keep a couple of extra containers and kids water bottles as backups in case things go missing—don't forget to label everything.

Don't stress too much about creating those Instagram-inspired meals. The most important aspect of lunch is that it's balanced so aim for a bit of everything: a fruit, veggie, whole grain, meat or alternative, and dairy or alternative.

Your kid may not always finish what you send but stay consistent and keep sending a variety of nutritious foods that will keep their mind and body fed. The best part? These neat, space-spacing items are easy for them to maneuver whether sitting in a toddler car seat or at a proper toddler table and chairs set.

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Best lunch bags and bento boxes for kids 2023 - Today's Parent

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