
PI’s new cost-efficient servo motor controller drives 6 and 4 axis motion systems. October 2017, Auburn, MA – Precision positioning systems industry leader PI (Physik Instrumente) has released a new 6-axis servo motor controller – the C-884.6DC. Most modern precision motion systems are driven by servo motors, because they provide high torque, fast acceleration, smooth motion with a wide dynamic speed range, and fast start stop performance. Versatile, Compact Motion Controller PI’s compact C-884 DC motion controller can run brushless servo motors and traditional DC motors with closed loop feedback provided by incremental encoders and absolute encoders (BiSS protocol). USB, TCP/IP and RS-232 interfaces are standard for command communication. Additional interfaces such as programmable analog and digital I/O lines, an SPI display port and joystick port are also included. The dual-core architecture provides for increased performance and flexibility by separating command processing and position servo control functions.

Standard and Custom PI has in-house engineered solutions with over 4 decades of experience working with customers to provide products that meet application demands, and can quickly modify existing product designs or provide a fully customized OEM part to fit the exact requirements of the application. About PI PI is a leading manufacturer of air bearing stages, piezoelectric solutions, precision motion control equipment, and hexapod parallel-kinematics for semiconductor applications, photonics, bio-nano-technology, and medical engineering. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard & custom precision products with piezoceramic and electromagnetic drives for 4 decades. The company has been ISO 9001 certified since 1994 and provides innovative, high-quality solutions for OEM and research. The PI group employs more than 1,000 people worldwide in 15 subsidiaries and R&D / engineering centers on 3 continents. Precision Linear Actuator

Compact 6-Axis Motion Controller For High Precision Positioning Applications In Industry And Research