
Just when you thought trampolines couldn't get any cooler, bed swings became a thing, and - believe it or not - they're made using old upcycled ones.

This DIY trend has been blowing up on Pinterest, and if you ask me, it's a brilliant way to repurpose your old toys. Loop Cable Tie

You Need to See How People Are Upcycling Their Trampolines into Bed Swings

Even if you don't have a full-size trampoline you can turn into a bed (the horror!), you could even use a small exercise trampoline to create a swinging chair. Here's how it's done, according to Ken Wingard, OWN's Home Made Simple designer:

Remove the trampoline's legs, so you're only left with the circular metal frame, black mat, and springs.

Cover the metal frame with pool noodles by slicing down one side of the foam noodle and popping it around the frame.

Use spray glue to stick pretty fabric around the pool noodle (or use white noodles).

Wrap ropes with a high-tensile strength around the entire newly padded metal frame.

Loop rope string to hang the swing from everywhere there is a leg on your trampoline. (Hint: leave an opening so you can get in the swing - one leg opening on small trampoline will do).

Hang it somewhere reliable-like a tree, a pergola, or even (if you're qualified) build yourself a frame from which it can swing.

Add a papasan cushion to the smaller trampolines or cover a bigger one with memory foam or cushions and a sheet. Decorate with pillows and voila!

Check out this video to see the tutorial in full detail, then try it for yourself.

*Note: DIY at your own risk. If you're not up for the challenge, don't worry! Here are some other bed-swing options that require a little less elbow grease, other than hanging them up:

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You Need to See How People Are Upcycling Their Trampolines into Bed Swings

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