A fire that started in the shed of a homeowner ended up spreading to their home and to a neighboring home in Middletown Township on Wednesday, according to a statement by the Middletown Township Fire Department.
There was a call that came in around 5:14 am on Wednesday morning about a fire that started in a shed -- with gas inside -- outside of a home at 123 Maple Avenue close to a neighbors house. Frp Panel

A Middletown Police Officer, who arrived first, reported back that the flames were beginning to spread.
As fire crews arrived at the scene, the two story home was now on fire after flames had spread from the shed fire with the fire spreading into a rear first floor bedroom and along some exterior siding, according to MTFD, and the fire also was spreading to exterior side of a home at 869 Main Street and another neighbor's vinyl fence.
Firefighters simultaneously battled the flames to prevent further spread and ultimately put them all out and a short time into doing so to help in these efforts, MTFD called for backup units, adding up to 20 firefighters overall from 3 companies of the MTFD in Belford Engine, Belford Independent, and Port Monmouth.
The MTFD Air Unit and Safety Unit also reported to the scene.
The fires were eventually put out but the damage was done to both homes and exteriors as well as a shed and nearby fence.
MTFD said that the utilities at the home on Maple Avenue were secured by NJNG, JCP&L and NJAW and the American Red Cross provided support to the Maple Avenue home.
Chief Bernie Chenoweth of the MTFD called the fire under control by 5:35 am and everyone was cleared from the scene by 7:08a.m.

Wire Netting Fence MTFD said that the fire is being investigated by the Middletown Township Fire Marshal’s office and Fire Marshal Edward Skelly.