The Sustanon 250 is one of the most popular preferred selections of bodybuilders.
Have you ever wondered why? Testosterone Phenylpropionate

Simply, because it is a chemical product managing to maintain testosterone levels high, throughout its use cycle.
It aims at rebuilding lean muscle mass, the biggest request in the field of bodybuilding (and sports in general).
Its anabolic and enhanced properties combined achieve the burn of body fat (and converting it into energy) making Sustanon 250 suitable for bulking and cutting cycles too.
However, Sustanon 250 is a very powerful chemical with many serious effects and side effects on the user's organism (especially following heavy or long-term use).
Our legal 100% natural alternative to Sustanon 250 is called Testo-Max, a product of the world leader in legal bodybuilding steroid company: CrazyBulk.
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Sustanon 250 is an anabolic steroid available in injection form scoring a huge response in the sports community. It contains a mixture of 4 different testosterone esters (instead of just 1 single ester):
● testosterone propionate 30 mg ● testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg ● testosterone isocaproate 60 mg ● and testosterone decanoate 100 mg
"Testosterone ester" is a carbon chain attached to the testosterone molecule and slows down the release of the testosterone hormone in the organism, thus increasing the time of its anabolic action.
"Pure" testosterone (i.e. no esters) is a hormone that once released into the organism causes a fairly rapid and sharp rise in serum testosterone. Its release is very rapid causing a brief (for a short time) increase in serum testosterone levels as well.
At the other end of the spectrum, however, we have 2 forms of testosterone containing long ester chains, resulting in a slower release of the hormone into the organism following injection. Nevertheless, the difference is not only in the action time. An increased level of the hormone remains active and effective in the organism for a few weeks.
Between the one end of the spectrum (pure testosterone) and the other (the 2 forms of testosterone with long ester chains), in Sustanon 250, are various other esters. Propionate is the most popular of these, especially for users wishing a fairly rapid and drastic anabolic state for their organism (lasting a few days).
Especially for bodybuilders and athletes in general it is extremely important to achieve a stable concentration of testosterone in the bloodstream. In this way a stable and lasting anabolic state is achieved ensuring increased training benefits. However, Sustanon 250 is not only important for this reason. In addition to the stable and increased anabolic state it achieves thanks to the 4 testosterone esters of different duration of action, it also prevents the unwanted side effects coming from volatile hormone levels.
Therefore, while esters with a short-acting time require regular injections (daily or every second day), esters with a long-acting time require injections only 1 or 2 times a week. Nevertheless, esters with a short action time act immediately on the organism, while slow-release esters take a long time to act. This is where Sustanon 250 makes a big difference. It is a unique testosterone product containing propionate and phenylpropionate esters (i.e. fast-release esters), as well as decanoate and isocaproic esters (i.e. slower-release esters) in one.
This offers the unique effect of a consistently elevated anabolic state, starting immediately in the organism, lasting for a long time too. The testosterone blend Sustanon 250 effectively produces a rapid, yet continuous (at constant rates) release of testosterone into the user's organism. This is the main reason why Sustanon immediately after its release became one of the most popular preferred selections among bodybuilders and athletes around the world.
Indeed, it is clearly an anabolic and extremely powerful steroid Sustanon 250 can help you rebuild lean muscle mass, improve your athletic performance, boost your physical strength and break new records. It is an anabolic steroid, a mixture of 4 different testosterone esters ensuring amazing anabolic benefits for the athlete.
The specific artificial derivatives of testosterone contained by Sustanon 250 are the "best friend" of bodybuilders. For this reason, and despite the enormous risks to their health, many athletes insist on using Sustanon 250 to make the most of the multiple benefits it offers.
The anabolic steroid product under the trade name Sustanon 250 is available in liquid form (a clear, straw-colored, oil-based liquid) requiring intramuscular administration.
As it is exposed to the circulation, it undergoes the process of hydrolysis and becomes testosterone.
Yes. Although the amount of side effects caused is truly enormous, male and female athletes who desire massive anabolic power for their workouts commonly use Sustanon 250.
Aging is one of the most common reasons for declining testosterone. Male hypogonadism is a condition affecting about 40% of men over the age of 40.
It is a serious male hormonal disorder, characterized by a sharp drop in testosterone levels. This drop in testosterone is certainly also accompanied by a number of other (and very serious) effects for the male organism (from baldness and gynecomastia to infertility, erectile dysfunction, even the development of obesity or the manifestation of depression).
Hypogonadism can have various causes. It may be due to age (old age), an injury to the genitals, a chronic condition, the use of strong drugs, or other factors. Sustanon 250 is therefore aimed at people who - for whatever reason - show low testosterone levels. That is, it works as a treatment for low testosterone levels. Its strong chemical composition is extremely active and ensures immediate benefits. Testosterone booster injections containing the commercial product Sustanon 250 require a prescription and strict medical monitoring.
Nevertheless, Sustanon 250, has not become known so much for its pharmaceutical/medical use, as for its illegal/athletic use. Bodybuilders and athletes for the immediate broadly use it and long-term anabolic benefits provided to the body.
Our proposal is a natural alternative to the well-known steroid created by the leading bodybuilding supplement company, CrazyBulk. Testo-Max (to be seen in detail below) ensures all the benefits of Sustanon 250, without any health risks at all. CrazyBulk's Testo-Max is a legal anabolic steroid not requiring a prescription for its use. In addition, it will not cause any side effects and presents no problems in doping controls (especially if you are professionally involved in sports).
⇨ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max for the Best Discount
Although there are not so many years since its release (nearly 6 years), Sustanon 250 injection seems to have established itself as one of the company's most popular products.
MANUFACTURER Zydus Cadila composition Testosterone Propionate (30mg) + Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60mg) + Testosterone Isocaproate (60mg) + Testosterone Decanoate (100mg) STORAGE Store below 30°C.
Sustanon 250 Injection is one of the most successful Sustanon products today and extremely popular in bodybuilding (and sports in general). However, there are many negative side effects, quite obvious (and dangerous).
This is why the CrazyBulk company selected to create a line of legal steroids to replace all these popular steroids with natural products imitating (almost absolutely) their action. In the case of Testo-Max, CrazyBulk offers the action of the popular steroid Sustanon 250, legally/safely /effectively.
The number of reviews received by CrazyBulk's Testo-Max is entirely positive, with only a handful of negative comments.
⇨ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max for the Best Discount
Sustanon 250 has similar effects and mechanisms to testosterone, making understandable the route it selects for adding to your goals.
We have seen above how Sustanon 250 acts on the organism and the benefits it provided.
However, the 3 most important reasons for selecting it (especially if you are a bodybuilding and fitness fan) are shown below:
Red blood cells support the smooth and adequate supply of oxygen to the muscles.
This clearly means greater muscle gains and faster recovery after workouts as well.
With oxygen, muscles create ATP as fuel.
This therefore also means greater physical strength, improved fitness, endurance and athletic performance.
Protein synthesis is a natural process of the organism, however, extremely necessary for bodybuilding, as it promotes muscle hypertrophy and rapid repair of muscle cells.
Cortisol is a hormone with many health benefits (such as controlling the body's response to stress).
However - for bodybuilding and muscle building - cortisol can be disastrous.
Cortisol is a catabolic hormone slowing and "sabotaging" the muscle growth process.
Sustanon 250 has the ability to promote the suppression of cortisol in the organism, encouraging muscle hypertrophy and multiplying your training gains.
As with testosterone enanthate, Sustanon 250, due to its chemical structure, only needs 1 to two 2 doses per week.
Each ampoule contains 250 mg of testosterone, which more specifically consists of:
Testosterone is an androgenic/anabolic hormone with multiple uses.
It can be used both for muscle hypertrophy and for cutting/ribbing.
Sustanon 250 in particular, is one of the most potent testosterone products and one of the most popular products in bulking cycles, as it promotes maximum lean muscle gain.
Its strong chemical structure makes it highly effective even when used alone.
However, experienced users tend to stack it with other steroids as well.
A moderate dose of Sustanon 250 (i.e. around 350mg/week) can however be used perfectly in a cutting cycle as well.
It can and does promote muscle gains, while also helping you keep lean muscle tissue intact during a "hard" cutting cycle.
Below, we look at some common cycles and stacks used with Sustanon 250 by bodybuilders.
Beginners should avoid taking high doses.
It is customary to start with the minimum dose and adjust it gradually in future cycles.
After the final dose (with the half-life of testosterone decanoate being 15 days) a PCT recovery cycle is recommended.
This Sustanon 250 cycle is a cycle for more experienced users who have taken testosterone before.
The stronger dosage followed in this cycle increases the risk of possible side effects.
Anavar is a steroid primarily used in cutting cycles for extensive fat loss and drying.
It helps the body use subcutaneous fat as "fuel" to produce energy.
Anavar does not aromatize and ensures a perfectly toned body.
As Anavar is a mild steroid, it does not greatly enhance the damage provoked by Sustanon 250 to the organism (cholesterol, blood pressure and liver enzymes at elevated levels).
First week 200mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
2nd week 400mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Third week 400mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Fourth week 400mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Fifth week 400mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Sixth week 500mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Seventh week 500mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
Eighth week 500mg Sustanon and 20mg Anavar
As this cycle causes increased water retention and bloating it is recommended to take anastrozole (0.5mg every other day) to prevent skyrocketing estrogen levels.
This is one of the most powerful bulking cycles, however, one of the mildest of the stack (in terms of side effects).
It is a very popular bulking stack among experienced bodybuilders as it can provide repeated cycles of testosterone without too severe side effects (unlike other cycles and stacks causing higher damage to organisms).
First week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Second week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Third week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Fourth week 600 mg Sustanon and 300 mg Deca Durabolin
Fifth week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Sixth week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Seventh week 600 mg Sustanon and 300 mg Deca Durabolin
Eighth week 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Ninth week 600 mg Sustanon and 300 mg Deca Durabolin
Tenthweek 600mg Sustanon and 300mg Deca Durabolin
Because Deca Durabolin contains long-release testosterone esters and therefore slows acting, it is usually used in a long cycle of 10 weeks.
Sustanon 250 stacked with Trenbolone is a powerful combination used for both muscle bulking and cutting purposes.
First week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Second week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Third week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Fourth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Fifth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Sixth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Seventh week 600 mg Sustanon and 150 mg Trenbolone
Eighth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Ninth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
Tenth week 600mg Sustanon and 150mg Trenbolone
This cycle is very powerful and only recommended for advanced users (mainly due to the toxic nature of Trenbolone).
In a cycle for cutting purposes, it can be used in combination with an anti-estrogen such as anastrozole to prevent a rapid rise in estrogen.
Sustanon 250 belongs to the class of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS).
The current legal landscape regarding AAS - including Sustanon 250 - has not changed in recent years.
Sustanon 250 is a very powerful testosterone-boosting drug for patients with low levels (hypogonadism) of testosterone.
Sustanon 250 is a prescription drug and not a product freely used for athletic purposes.
The possible side effects of using such a powerful chemical make it prohibitive.
Sustanon 250 is not allowed to be used without a medical prescription and its use in the sports arena is clearly illegal and prosecuted.
However, science has led to the creation of natural and 100% legal steroids, such as Testo-Max recommended by CrazyBulk instead of Sustanon 250.
⇨ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max for the Best Discount
All the chemicals found in Sustanon 250 are very strong. Both the pill and its injection form contain 4 different testosterone esters that - can bring many significant athletic (and not only) benefits - also cause many serious side effects in the organism, especially after increased and long-term use.
Especially people with health problems should be even more cautious with the use of such strong preparations that could even put their lives in danger.
Testosterone - like all other anabolic steroids - aromatizes (that is, turns into estrogen), causing many problems to the organism. The most important is the suppression of natural testosterone, then leading to fluid retention, shrinking of the testicles, gynecomastia, baldness and other serious health conditions.
Below are some of the risks "hidden" in the use of Sustanon 250 (ranging from low to very high intensity):
● abnormal levels of red blood cells ● depression ● very high haemoglobin levels ● severe headaches ● nervousness ● aggression ● obesity ● sleep disorders ● nausea ● gynecomastia ● fluid retention and bloating ● oily skin and acne ● baldness ● prostate enlargement ● high blood pressure ● Increased risk of strokes ● increased risk of cardiovascular disease ● high cholesterol levels ● bad mood and dysthymia
The TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) that is the pharmaceutical product recommended for Sustanon 250 may be used only under medical prescription, medical guidance and supervision to avoid any risk to the health of the user.
Nevertheless, when used willy-nilly by bodybuilders and other athletes, then Sustanon 250 can turn from a "safe drug" into a "dangerous poison". The effects that Sustanon 250 causes in the organism are similar to those of the "grandfather of anabolic steroids" Dianabol (as it shows a similar chemical structure). However, Sustanon 250 seems to cause more side effects than even the highly dangerous steroid Dianabol, mainly due to its even stronger androgenic effect.
Unlike Sustanon 250, CrazyBulk's legal Testo-Max steroid (due to its 100% natural composition), has no side effects/is not dangerous or illegal/does not require a doctor's prescription.
Testo-Max is a nutritional supplement (pill) imitating the effects of Sustanon 250, without any of the above side effects.
Testo-Max with its specially selected natural ingredients (supported by scientific research) promotes luteinizing hormones to boost the organism's own testosterone production in a 100% natural way.
⇨ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max for the Best Discount
CrazyBulk's Testo-Max is a product ensuring significant benefits, such as:
CrazyBulk's natural Testo-Max dietary supplement closely approximates the action of an anabolic steroid (and more specifically the anabolic steroid Sustanon 250). It is a "legal steroid" with no relationship whatsoever to the classic steroid Sustanon 250.
Testo-Max has a completely natural and clinically supported formula of ingredients (without any chemical additives, or addictive or toxic substances). It does not cause any side effects in the organism and it needs no prescription. It does not suppress testosterone and it does not require a recovery cycle. It is completely safe (even for long-term use). The legal steroid Testo-Max is not detected in anti-doping controls.
● D-Aspartic Acid ● Tribulus Terrestris ● Fenugreek ● Panax Red Ginseng ● ZMA (Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate/Magnesium Aspartate/Vitamin B6) ● Boron
⇨ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max for the Best Discount
Following the above review it becomes clear that the use of steroids such as Sustanon 250 can have significant benefits, however, it also has serious side effects for the organism (unlike the legal steroid Testo-Max, which with its 100% natural composition ensures benefits without risks).
Which one will you select?
Tags: NDTV Partner Content, NDTV Health Supplements, crazybulk, legal steroids, muscle growth
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