
Great Debate: Should the rule be ‘all dogs on lead’ in public spaces unless otherwise stated? - Dogs Today Magazine

An increasing number of councils are talking about banning dogs from public spaces after complaints – often from dog owners about other dog owners! Is keeping all dogs on lead unless otherwise stated a solution?

A boisterous dog running up to someone who may be scared of dogs is far from ideal; let alone when the person in question may be knocked over and badly hurt, as may be the case for elderly people. Swivel Snap Hooks

Great Debate: Should the rule be ‘all dogs on lead’ in public spaces unless otherwise stated? - Dogs Today Magazine

If the dog up runs to another dog who may be nervous or dog-reactive, it could be a recipe for disaster even if the reactive one is on lead. Owners of reactive dogs have written to us more than once to explain why this seemingly harmless scenario – “don’t worry, my dog wants to play!” – can become a nightmare.

If the response from councils is to ban dogs from public spaces altogether, everyone loses. Some have suggested that a possible solution may be to make it so that all public spaces are to be considered ‘on-lead only’ for dogs unless otherwise stated, saying that if it keeps public spaces from becoming off limits to dogs it is the lesser evil; others say it would be disproportionate, and affect all owners, including responsible ones whose dogs have excellent training and recall.

What do you think – should the rule be ‘all dogs on lead’ in public spaces unless marked as an off lead space, to avoid more places become totally off limits?

Great Debate: Should the rule be ‘all dogs on lead’ in public spaces unless otherwise stated? - Dogs Today Magazine

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